

Lecture – Friends of design Cape Town
“Be a freelancer in 2014“

workshop – ISIA Urbino
“typedesign week”
Bruno Maag (Dalton Maag)
Jonathan Pierini

workshop – ISIA Urbino
“Freedom and Order”
Armand Mevis (Mevis & Van Deursen)
Peter Bilak
Leonardo Sonnoli (Tassinari-Vetta)

workshop – ISIA Urbino
Alberto Bianda (The Red Box)

workshop – ISIA Urbino
“The red box”
Alberto Bianda (The Red Box)
Paolo Iannuzzi (The Red Box)


I live and work between Ferrara and Cape Town. For sixteen years I provide to the national and international companies art direction for conventional communication projects and not, corporate identity systems, strategy, Brand identity and

positioning, print campaigns, video and no-profit, publishing, interactive press, augmented reality for smart devices, UX / UI. I have a degree in visual communication and design at the ISIA of Urbino.
It is in discovering new cultures, new signs, new sounds that I invest as much as possible. Traveling I help my clients to improve their visual communication, aligning it to the market/country. Combining design and technology, i lead projects that integrate digital and traditional printing.
Lecture – Friends of design Cape Town
“Be a freelancer in 2014“

workshop – ISIA Urbino
“typedesign week”
Bruno Maag (Dalton Maag)
Jonathan Pierini

workshop – ISIA Urbino
“Freedom and Order”
Armand Mevis (Mevis & Van Deursen)
Peter Bilak
Leonardo Sonnoli (Tassinari-Vetta)

workshop – ISIA Urbino
Alberto Bianda (The Red Box)

workshop – ISIA Urbino
“The red box”
Alberto Bianda (The Red Box)
Paolo Iannuzzi (The Red Box)


I live and work between Ferrara and Cape Town. For sixteen years I provide to the national and international companies art direction for conventional communication projects and not, corporate identity systems, strategy, Brand identity and

positioning, print campaigns, video and no-profit, publishing, interactive press, augmented reality for smart devices, UX / UI. I have a degree in visual communication and design at the ISIA of Urbino.

countries visited
network’s memebers
projects delivered
coffees drunk

I listen

to your needs and I define the communication project’s guidelines.

I check

the project in all its steps, ensuring constantly an high level of quality.

I deliver

high quality products, custom-designed and universally reproducible.

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